
Peter Schiff defined Capitalism as: "Find out what people want and give it to them." I think he is right and wrong. My fellow Bulgarian student said to me once: "What do people want Christian? A house to live in, food and a nice partner." I personally believe that Kostadin is right. This is what society wants - the question remains - to what price and to what cost? Regardless how low the prices are, the price we pay is too high, if a nation or city has no own services & industry left (or cannot live on their low unit labor costs & does not consume their own products like in Bulgaria), pays over 20% of household income for living, or stays in poverty. South Korea was told to invest in rice according to David Ricardos pernicous comparative advantage idea. They kicked the US-Think Tanks out in the 60s and Japan enabled them to establish a powerful steel industry. Please read the books of famous South-Korean Economist Ha-Joon Chang. A stable society can only be installed with good politics (works only in the short run) or my long-term Foundation Industry Idea and artificial intelligence banking, in order to finance each mega city (do we need nations if global Mega Cities will be stable in 100 years?/ very few sunshine in Germany anyway) in the long run automatically, if crucial industry and services are missing in a defined region. Therefore, we need a slightly different global cooperative banking system in the future. The most important economics theory of all times, "marginal utility" can be programmed! Competition is the most important success driver! However, most parents will try to equip their children with the same tools to get successful! There is both in humans! The question remains how we implement the parenting part of human behavior into global business, in order to enable us expanding the pie, generate higher aggregate demand and especially aggregate supply (like with China) and become finally a multiplanetary species! If the minds of the peoples are not stable enough because of crazy and stupid politics, environmental influences or bad information, wrong schooling, wrong food and medication, society will perish as we can see with the group Extinction Rebellion in Germany now. Not few people hope that this group will extinct soon. More CO2 in the atmosphere makes the world a greener place! The world got green with far over 1.000 parts per million. James Hansen forcasted in the 90s that at 400ppm we would extinct! Well, we are still alive? North and South pole are frozen! This has not always been the case! We live in a pretty cold ice age! As John Christy calcutated - even if we burn all fossil fuels at once it will not have a detrimental effect on earth! I like to add here that NASA did attend this hearing and did not disagree with Prof. Dr. Christy (who developed with Dr. Roy Spencer at NASA (got a price too) - our current Temparature Measureing Satellites!) Why did Gavin Schmidt from GISS/NASA not cry out? As Prof. Dr. Easterbrook tirelessly explained "there is simply not enough CO2 in the atmosphere to create severe man made global warming". That activists fired a bullet at John Christy's office demonstrates that global warming fear has become a withering religion! It is cristal clear to me that a transformation of the global Industry will need not decades but at least 100 years. I am not a nationalist. I see the future of mankind in open borders! However, the fundament of the global economy has always been Mega Cities like Rom. The latest most famous example is Dubai! Nevertheless, in the case of UK (London) we can see that only Mega Cities are not enough. The national development will still play a role - as long as mankind has defined the Mega-Cities of the world and the starting points for multiplanetary discoveries. "All" has the meaning of space in German. Space belongs not to the US - it belongs to all living organism living in space. The near future will be robot driven. What will we do with our extra time? Will the people have enough money to survive the AI- and Robot Revolution of the future? If exploding productivity does not end in rising aggregate demand (as happened over the last 50 years) - any society will perish and end in depression! The main findings of my Existence Economics deals with the stabilization theory of the mind. How do we establish a semi-stable (too few chaos is bad) society that reduces poverty (since water & especially farm land cannot be equally distributed among men anymore, since we decided to live by Adam Smiths "Specialization Economics" , GMO-Free Food must be a puplic good and financed by taxes in the future), increases comfort, reduces human and environmental externalities and frees the mind in order to produce solutions on clockwork? 2022 is one of the most important turning points. The nobel prize for quantum entanglement will help to prove Roger Penrose, F.W.H.Myers, Nobel Prize candidate Gariaev (Wave Genetics), Dr. Rupert Sheldrake and me right, if we remind us again that word chains (dense research) can be used to prove the functionality of our universe. It should not be too hard to prove the "Living Multiverse Quantum Entangled Time Theory". Remind yourself that Crick and Watson never presented any of their own evidence! They simply got the Nobel Prize for assembling mind dots! Even Einsteins "Theory of Relativity" started, as all scientific discoveries, any physical, clinical and psychological proof with an observation! J.M. Keynes famously said - almost nobody realizes that society is bound to live the way old fashioned Economists said once. As a matter of fact, most Economists live by a code of idolatry. It is easier do worship dead books but to create something brand new or deal with living individuals. Grigoriy Perelman had to prove the -difficult- Poincare Conjecture (Poincaré worked never longer than 4h a day, Jeremy Gray, Princeton University 2013) alone - nobody answered him when he was reaching out to his fellow scientists and rejected later the one Million Dollar Clay Prize for Mathematics! This is how our modern world is organized! Man do everything to defend their thought systems! They simply have to gravitate relatively metastable and metareal through space (mind)! Even if it means decay in some cases. The reason why not all fields are green on the AI-Certificate is easy to explain. In the beginning, I will be happy if companies implement at least only one or two of my Existence Economics Ideas.


Full Ownership, in combination with low interest rates (over 50% of the balance sheets of most banks consist of real estate debt. They are simply allowed to impoverish our societies and we do pay for this service! Instead - investing in a business creates wealth! With regard to the stupid money multiplier, they simply create a debt account out of thin air and do not charge you 5.000 Euro for their housing service, but often way more than 100% of your credit amount over 30 years! Low interest rates are used as a bait and the right wings are screaming that the rates are too low - totally crazy. The worst economists of the world may be the "Austrian Economics School". They still fight for a system which never existed or survived in the first place) for real estate and free market prices for land will inevitably result in never ending Boom-Bust Cycles of the oldest asset class real estate. It creates permanently exploding rents and thus lower living standards and recessions. My Existence Economics proposes tax- and land free Society High Rise Steel Buildings on the remaining governmental land in bigger cities. The "Genossenschaftliche Wohn-ungsbau" is very successful in Germany. Full Ownership will always end in bad price bubbles as many economists have proven - including myself. I worked in Real Estate myself  & helped shaping my beloved Berlin & Hamburg over 10 years now! Why steel? Steel can be very easy pre-fabricated in factories (you can build faster), you need less raw material than concrete and it is recyclable. If the very famous physicist Dr. Thomas Gold, the architect Konrad Fischer and Hans-Joachim Zillmer (constructor) are right and "fossil fuels" are not finite and not even fossile - we should stop building wind wheels right now. A 5mw windmill consumes 600 tons of steel and lasts only 25 years. With 1.800 tons of steel you can build a 15 story high steel frame building for 300 two-person households (49m²), which will last over 100 years! We have an extreme shortage of living towers in almost all capitals all over the world. Furthermore, windmills destroy our landscape  and make life unlivable (about 44 hectare in the surroundings) near only one wind power site. The new EPA Building (steel) is the foundation of my simple calculations. The reason why Germans are not building high rise steel buildings has more to do with a lack of knowledge than with costs. Most office buildings in the US are steel frames! My special feature of any building would be a gym (Einfachsporthalle - 500m²) + 500m² Kita on the first floor, a roof top for internal partys (inside/outside) and an airfield for all drone delivery services. Thus, each floor has got about 1.000m².

Food Production

Since we do not fully understand how our DNA works yet - GMO-Free Food for us and our livestock should be a natural consequence. Organic food and animal welfare will preserve human health. Bad food makes us tired, sick and instable. Of 300.000 eatable plants humans used once 6.000. Today, rice, wheat and corn deliver half of our food. (Olmstead & Eisenreich, Epoch Times, 14.01.2023, Saat-Monopole gegen Lebensmittel-vielfalt: "Industrialisierte Landwirtschaft und Saatgutpatente zerstören die Zukunft der Ernährung. Die Möglich-keiten zum Gegensteuern sind lokal - und vielzählig".) I advise everybody to watch the docomentaries about GMO food and the seed situation worldwide.

Fair Pay

Earning 75.000 Dollar a year makes people quiet happy Angus Deaton claimed. Always ask yourself, if labor in the production is getting only minimum wage and you are getting 10x more per year - are you really working 10x harder? Never forget MY SPENDING is YOUR INCOME! No good income no aggregate spending, no aggregate spending no market growth, no growth less business! Highly destructive nations have high income inequality. Salaries have to rise steadily with rising productivity of your company. Fair Pay could be one of your strongest Marketing Tools for your business! Share your wealth with your employees who helped you getting rich! Maybe it makes you happier and the production workers help you to make your production even more efficient. I am sure fluctuation of staff will go down either! In order to receive the Fair Pay Certificate, the Purchasing Power of the employees has to be at least equal to Germany. Thus, within Eurostat is the reference value Germany - which may be surprisingly for some, but the "rich" western country is just slightly above the EU27-Average Purchasing Power!

Local & National Production

Gate Keepers like Amazon (although dropshipping platforms like Alibaba, Shopify & Amazon are the best way to fulfill marginal utility & unemployment), Facebook and Google favour producers that can pay the highest marketing costs. The price will always win! This is not how nations climbed up the ladder! Buy a local & national produced product - even if it is not totally perfect in the beginning. We do not need harsh tarrifs anymore, since we can program the internet the way we want and consume what we want! The idea is to produce local products in the home country or home town (150km) or at least sell the international product (Shein, founded in 2008, is more valuable than H&M and Zara together by just exporting Chinese goods to the USA - at least the value added remains in China - but I doubt it stayed with the production workers at all) within your home country online (by dropshipping) or offline (Primark) for home consumption and not like today or in USSR abroad production for reimport and then steal the value added (sell with a high price under the famous name - the western model does not really differ from the USSR Model). Since the factor costs are internationally so low, trade is our only chance to survive for many in the US. Not everybody can be or wants to be (but we should) a programmer or technician which will be done by AI like ChatGPT in the future. Bulgaria and Romania have got one of the highest industry ratios in the EU, with regard to GDP, as I demonstrated 2016! A family with a child pays (EU record) one third of its net income for energy in Bulgaria nowadays! (IW Koeln, 21.12.2021) Suffice it to say, that the PPP of Eastern European countries  like Romania  and Bulgaria scratch along 50% of the EU-27 average PPP since over a decade now! (Eurostat) Only 26% of the extracted minerals in Bulgaria are used for home production! 75% of all Bulgarian goods are exported within the European Union. (WKO, 08.08.2022) Economists should try to learn to distinguish between a highly "Marginal Utility Driven Economy" and a "Raw Material Driven Economy" which let to the famous "Holländische Krankheit". Home Industry & following Services is the key success factor to overall aggregate wealth for any nation! Thus, local aggregate supply and especially local aggregate demand! As Friedrich List explained in detail - the international market will always disrupt national markets with better products, which is important for learning, stealing and adapting! However, with no local supply (Home Industry) there will never be sustainable national demand and sustainable wages leading to a healthy and lasting society stabilizing aggregate demand. (Prof. Dr. Heiner Flassbeck) "The increase of industrial final product demand by 1 Euro increases aggregate production by 1,99 Euro. Outside manufacturing this multiplier is only 1,54. Within the steel industry it is 2,74, in automobile 2,29 and Chemical Industry 2,24." (IW Consult GmbH, 2013, 10) Dr. Karl Lichtblau 

If you miss as a nation local or national production, you will miss learning curve effects too! If you produce a mobile phone - good. Writing the software is the next step! Writing the App is the next step and so on! Samsung is doing it all!

5h Family Approach


Birth rates collapsed in the former GDR when the women labor participation rate rose. Men fled to the west until the wall was build. As a result the dictatorship needed labor. They told the women that they are only worth something if they work as much and as hard as men. It worked, the women labor participation rate rose sharply (over 90%) and birth rates collapsed, whereas women brake marriages more often then men. Both partners working at the limit to make ends meet will reduce population and produce a sick society. As a matter of fact almost no western country can hold its replacement level! Couples should try to raise their kids at home. Each single parent should not work more than five hours every day, until the kids are 18 years old. Every fourth interaction with a child and day care personal is not child-friendly and every 20th might be abusive Prof. Joerg Maywald explains. (Welt, "In Kitas erleben Kinder unterschiedliche Formen von Alltagsgewalt",  22.01.2023) How the situation in retirement homes is, everybody knows. Welt compares it to torture in the article "Die Ursachen der Missstände liegen im Pflegesystem" (Welt, Annette Dowideit, Frela Peters 10.01.2023) Furthermore, permanent female day care of house wifes or day care centers (which is even worse) will produce woke and very weak societies! This is one of my main research findings of my Existence Economics! If men think their job is more important than raising kids - don't get kids. Island has one of the highest purchasing power within the EU. If a couple gets a kid, the man and the woman have to stay home each for at least 5 month! Flexible working like I recommend is possible as well in Island! France and Hungary pay grand parents to look after their children. France is a beacon of light in Europe. Since January 2020  hungarian women with one child pay 25%, with two children 50% , with three children 75% less income tax. If you give birth to four kids women will never pay income tax in their entire life! I doubt that with an efficient program for living, like in the GDR, replacement levels will be ever reached again in most western countries. The inflation driver number 1 is rent - which is not part of measuring inflation in most countries. Why? There would be a revolution tomorrow. Since I worked with Destatis I was calling the department once and asking them why living is not part of the inflation basket - they did not know. 

The current EU is with regard to female participation rate at former GDR levels.
Studies in Japan and other especially western societies have proven that high educated women exit the labor market (which is often career suicide) for good in order to raise the kids. The west and expecially the EU is often praising itself for equal laws and equal treatment. This is the most violent civil right shame and infringement in modern democracies. The second is giving their own infants to day-care centers like in socialism. I grew up there. And I remember how I hated it. Look at the VW day-care scandal right now (2022) and the crude western ideas about "modern living". The only thing parents have to do is parenting! How can we do this if both work 8h a day and a houshold works more time than in the middle ages? There should be a public law that parents with kids must not work more than 5h a day and get 8h paid. My experience is that what you cannot do in 5h - you will not accomplish in 8h. Since I worked in Uli Hoeneß sausage factory, I propose to pay production workers for 8h a day and let them work 25h a week. Western production workers at VW enjoy a 28,8 hour week since 1994! This is especially interesting, since it was Ford that came up with the 8h workday idea! The SPD is demanding a 25h working week for all employees in Germany. (Business Insider, 10.11.2022, SPD Fordert 25h-Stunden-Woche) Since I will prove that each mind-field gravitates in space time we have to be coutious not to jeoparardize this quantum equilibrium easily! Look for instance at the Chronic Fatique Syndrome (not just) in Japan which produces severe sleep disorders (Nature,16.11.20) & PTBS (instable time loops) as I described in my book 2016. If the society/group is permanently under pressure (thus our relatively stable time system we simply call perception or ego boundaries) an individual, a family, a group or society can even epigenetically burn out or die! South Koreans and even Japanese have lost their appetite for sex! This may sound funny to you, but it isn't, since our biology is 100% driven by reproduction! Positive and supporting mind entaglement theories will prove & did in sociology already, that the way we treat each other enables mind stability. Bad sociology (through stress) creates highly fragmented (instable) minds! Neurocientists puzzle about why the mammals are yawning for centuries! Nobody has found the solution - but it is so easy! The quantum entangled minds signal and trigger to retreat from its too stable time view (our highly transmitter inhibited world view, quantum limited time view,  can simply only be outhibited (see F.W. Myers) for some time!!!!) and business in order to shield our highly complex dna-neurotransmitter inhibited time-matrix we call perception! If you stress yourself permanently over the edge - you might get good scientists in the end - but not a functioning society. Permanently pushing ourself with drug and coffee will destroy and disrupt our genetics & stable metaphysical mind control circuits - causing aggression (attack), angst (insecurity & uncertainty) und depression (retreat). Concentrating more than 16h a day as a family (if both work full time and than have to play with kids and go to supermarket etc.) in such an (work) environment can only produce one thing - a sustainably sick society! The Japanese even created the word Karoshi for the death by exessive labor! In physics we can call our metaphysical mind condition metastability. Normally we do our things (and want to do our things) in autopilot. Thus, our neurons are simply not firing while performing well-tested tasks. In case you stress yourself or a society long enough out of balance (you cannot feel & coordinate harmonized time), this excited states (please look it up at Physics & even in Metaphysics it is the same: Level of Arousal/Erregungsniveau) will lead to faster decay! It is as simple as that!!! Time has only two possible conditions: Relatively Stable or Relatively Instable! It cannot be both at the same time! It can lead to black holes (death) or to stable systems we can observe in the universe (our stable day-perception). The simple reason why some people get very old is willful ignorance*. The more time you let into your system - the more fragile your world view gets. I like to add here that over-consumtion of electronic devices fragments the perception as well and leads to decay. This is the reason why young people are very stable and often dumb and older people seem often to be more fragile while looking in their eyes. The eyes developed out of the brain over time. You must feel metaphysical times of your counterparts! It is central for our survival! Instinct tells you very quickly if you let somebody enter your world or not. No other ape race kills more often its infants than the human race. How far is the human race with regard to open its mind to somebody? How trustworthy is our society dealing with individuals that have a different world view? How much depressions are our political and sociological systems produce? Are we living in healthy reproductive societies? In order to find it out - start working less.
*Since I lived on Sardegna I can report that I have never experienced any group talking that slowly. It is almost like they are singing. The beautiful, shielded from stress island - produces the oldest men and women on earth! Complex living in cities for instance produces still rather instability as Joachim Radkau explained in "Das Zeitalter der Nervösität". Since we have to pay almost up to 40-50% of our income for living - it will get worse! I promise you! That you cannot survive without good local industry as in the 90s within Eeastern Germany, i proved in my book -Diktatur des Individuums- in 2016. The fertility rate collapsed under 1 child (Replacement Level: 2,13). The current birth rate in South Korea is: 0,87 per woman! (Statista, 2022) Thus, since I published my book - things got way worse! Tokyo has a birth rate of about 1,08 per woman, where people even sleep in the streets after work - because of mental prostration from over-work! This is what society suicide looks like! George Paul Hefty famously said: "A society.....which is dependend on immigration from the whole world, in order to just maintain their social and economic survival, suffers from a grave system error." (Klingsboegl et al., 2002, 18) (Diktatur des Individuums, P. 182, 2016, Rockstone Research) We have to accept, that humans are no machines but complex time gravitaters! A study from Microsoft (2015) indicated that the average attention span of people is 8 seconds, compared to a goldfish which has 9 seconds. (Time, 14.05.2015, Kevin McSpadden) Adults can concentrate for about 90 Minutes on one thing - but this law is crumbling as well. Do you still wonder why the brains of the humans are shrinking? I am not. Since we can just focus effectively on one thing 1,5h in a row, you should do two 15 minutes breaks in between! You will work 4,5h in total. If you do things on autopilote (the neurons are not firing during the task - you will start yawning much later!), like driving a car and you do not enrich your world with a higher level of arousal - it will be way easier to work longer though!

5h Work-Day


There have been plenty prudent studies conducted by scientists that proved that working 5h a day increases wealth and comfort. J.M. Keynes predicted that productivity (did wages as well?) would rise so fast in the future - that we barely have to work anymore. Since he did not understand the difference between the fruit (high price elasticity - no asset class) and the real estate market (low price elasticity + asset class + almost unlimited digital money according to his pernicious ideas) and the different risks of markets - we work more than ever before! It is all a matter of prices! Our capitalist price system is very very very young. Time to adapt to reality! We have globally a lot of over-worked and under employed people. We should try to find a solution within this century. By the way, I never heard that the market for fruits or construction material sunk the whole world economy like Financial Markets tend to do time over time. The reason is very simple. If you use bad construction material - some houses will crash. If you manage to sell worthless & toxic digital products (debt claim and risk producing CDOs for instance - this products called in billions in payment requests or as we cost accountants say receivables which never existed! The big recession was a great heist! Please google the famous lawsuit against Obama, Geithner etc. - there was even a CNBC article about it! The kids of the journalist who published the article were murdered. The question of the lawsuit was: "was the 29 trillion dollar created central bank money ever paid back?" Look at the very important research papers from James Andrew Felkerson at the Levy Institute. Not just the German Banking System was totally bankrupt) all houses may crash at the financial market at the very same time. Economists do not distinguish between market risks for individuals and market risk for society! Fancy that in the 21st Century! I like to add that installing a Central Bank was brought forward by Karl Marx and has few to do with free market banking. These ineffective price systems eat our productivity, did and will destroy our wealth in the short and ever will in the long run! In order to not lose touch with nature and we need sunlight every day in order to stay healthy, a five hour working day should be sufficient. Furthermore, many studies suggest that humans cannot focus effectively longer than 4-6 hours a day! It helps keep your employees healthy and increases overall society productivity. For the naysayers among you, I like to remind you, that the slave trade was politically abolished in UK through a political trick (maritime lawyer James Stephen & Wilberforce*) - everybody attented an important public event! They did not get rid easy of slavery because it was just wrong! Not long ago it was unimaginable to run a solid business driven society without slaves! The same coup d'état practice (trick) was used in order to install the Federal Reserve System in the almost christmas emty US-Senate, on the 23rd of December 1913! (they tried it some times before) One day before Christmas the banks were finally able to install a lender of last resort (Giant Clearing House for Speculations) for their fellow politicians & themselves. As Ron Paul presented in detail - our currencies have lost most of their value (purchasing power) over the last 100 years. Still wondering how J.M. Keynes could guess so wrong? He was not stupid! It is no surprise to me that the reason for unpegging the US-Dollar from gold (J.M. Keynes Bretton Woods System), when France claimed their fresh printed US-Dollar against the far more precious gold, the cause was the Vietnam War. As Bundesbankpräsident Axel A. Weber famously explained, Central Banks exist in order to finance war. 

*Wilberfoce said that God himself was telling him to end slavery. I like to end the pernicious discussions about God here. He -gravitated deeply in time- (by observation) that infinit suppression of his race (in this case humans) is wrong with regard to a possible future mind-stability! Thus, the -Metaphysical Time Loops- of humans are simply -Harmonic Oszillators-. A too strong deviation from core reality creates an eloctromagnetic field gravitating towards stability. Some get sick during this process like Veblen for instance. Within quantumstatistics I call it  a relative coherent wave time mix enabling superposition - thus reality. The problem with any specially extrapolated daytime condition, resulting in a relative stable world view, is that hormonizing (by metaphysical gravitation) a density matrix towards a Hilbert Space - you have to believe in this probability (ego)! Believe is the gravitational restult of the mind which enables time stability and adaptability to inside and outside world changes. Thus, extrem Theta-Wave Mind conditions (what physicists call time gravitation!) made him strongly feel (the adaption process of metaphysial space time is feeling it!) end slavery. That is all! The same happened to Jesus. Stopping the violence in former military Rom was definately the right thing to do. His way was simply - living with a less violent approach - which cost him his life! There is much writing and evidence that some wifes even saw their men (ghosts) a last time while dying on the battlefield!!! To come shortly back from the dead and to appear as "mind hologram" will be even produced in humanoids in the future! And they are dead from the beginning! We know from some sick people (even from blind people) that they see always the same movie in the head (animated cartoon for instance in a case - the old time-mind fields get instable and mix up our daily stable world views-time with miner time (different time gets saved within single neurons as pictures (they are reprogated in REM-Phases!) - look at Cricks strange neuroscientist Prof. Dr. Christof Koch who explained that the neurons are a store for pictures and loops (form a real superposition). He said in a panel that Philosophers are usesel! - he does really know nothing about time and the brain! The space of minds is conditioned by morphing time (speech/words) loops into relatively stable metareality I called thought-systems echos in 2016 already (more words simply create more space time to gravitate (during the day and at night) in a spin-network we call thinking!). Each word and imprinted language connects spaces & warps your special space time we call world view (only one time word can blitzartig brighten or destroy your world view (especially from people we love) - We are so complex nowadays, we need almost 30 years to grow up today. Fancy that! German women give birth in average when they are 32 years old) or speech waves, normally outhibited (relative subliminal - sourrounding the core mass) time loop (LQG-Theory in physics), which I call with regard to relative core daytime stability conditions defects of time! The old lady suffering from the illness said, she did not even really like the cartoon! Imagine you have to watch it again and again - every day until you finally die! The important word "Outhibition" describes Mind-Mass not useful for producing our stable reality (metastable gravitational condition - thus, our hormonized time loop) in a topological space (man are just stars like earth gravitating through time), what we call -During Day Perception-. I am pretty sure Jesus managed to appear for some entangled minds of his just a while right after dying! If you are afraid of ghosts - never mind! A hologram or ghosts are relatively quantum entangeld time reproductions of light. Why should we be afraid of some mind-light? 


"Research indicates that five hours is about the maximum that most of us can concentrate hard on something,", says Alex Pang, founder of Silicon Valley Consultancy Strategy and Rest..Similarly
Prof. Jan-Emmanuel de Neve.....from Oxford...says his research reinforces the argument that 5-hour working days lead to greater employee wellbeing, which in turn leads to greater productivity." (Wired, 15.06.2021, Margaret Taylor)