Human Capital - Industry Investment - Product Marketing

We shape Local Products & Fair Pay

AIl Industry Solutions will be a Product-, Marketing-, Human Capital and Semi-Governmental Company Cooperation Platform. Its Goal is a strategic drift of all Industries to more vegan- , more organic- and GMO Free-Food, Fair Work, Local (Internet) Retail, Local & National Production (Industry Quota) and Fair Cooperative Society Living (rent less than 20% of household income, 30m² per person). These are the pillars of Existence Economics! The process in order to guarantee no long-term global concentration of capital (by selling firms at the end of its life cycle), the loss of standards and life's work is a yearly renewable AI-Solution Certificate and the long term transformation of businesses within the All Industrie Solutions Foundation. The philanthropy ideas of Soros & Gates failed. As Warren Buffett pointed out the buyouts by "Private Equity" should be rather labeled "Private Debt". Donating billions of money to only one centralized fund in order to save the world comes from people defending decentralized capitalism for decades. It must fail! The only foundation that will ever do any good will be a foundation consisting of companies providing open source sewerage, open source medication, open source living, open source internet and open source gmo-free food. Open source learning and group schooling will be the future in any country. All pupils should learn from age 14 on what they interested in (what is needed), with a rigid online grading system. The most important resource of mankind - are people. Sleeping, Eating/Drinking, Residential, Friends, Partnerships & work are the most important drivers of each society. Paul Krugman famously explained: "My spending is your income". Aggregate Demand (Keynes) is after Local Aggregate Supply (Existence Economics) the most important key driver for growth. However, Krugman does not understand how global factor prices continuously destabilize the global home markets. In an interview with Ron Paul, Krugman admits, that he does not understand what money is! In another interview he even admits that he does not understand how production knowledge emerges, as an example he was talking about a Chinese town producing only buttons. In many cases he disciplined Germany publicly because they export too much! I know what money is! Everybody who studied Friedrich List & Ha Joon Chang can explain how production knowledge historically emerged - most of all times from small cities with low real estate costs like Manchester and Shanghai (London is an exception), by copying technology and most of the times by tarrifs (excluding Netherland) in order to protect infant industry against better products like South Korea for instance - even until today! It is simple! Since we live in a globalized world which Paul Krugman praised for decades - how dares the pseudo science Nobel-Price Economist (it is a highly polititically inflated price and getting it should be an intellectual insult to any economist - just look at our genetically modified "food", our rental living costs, wrong inflation statistics, complex tax systems and especially the devaluation of our monetary system; some blockchain coins suck, but fiat money sucks even more) enjoining the world what products to buy? According to the "Winner Takes All Theory", the 21st Century Global Winner will often create many strong oligopolies (Google etc.) and fabricate like Bayer, Corteva, ChemChina and BASF (according to Prof. Philip Howard they control + 60% of all worldwide seeds) the most adverse conditions for nature, animals und human work conditions! Joe Rogan on a podcast: 

"One of the issues a lot of people have in this country is, when you ship jobs overseas and companies manufacturing things for essentually pennys on the dollar. This is one of the great contradictions to the progressiv in America that they complain about capitalism on a fucking iPhone. If you went down to the factory where that iPhone was manufactured you'd be heartbroken. If you went further to where the minerals are dug out of the ground in the Congo you would be devastated. They are one of the richest companies on earth...but how are they doing it? By paying people very little to manufacture their products...We do manufacture somethings here but way less than we used to, because it costs too much money to do so. But the word "too much" is bullshit. It is not that it costs too much. It is just that it costs more."

Krugman's current "My Spending Is Your Income Theory" will destabilize and did deindustrialize even cities like Detroit in the long run! Not just the USA had it's most stable times in the 50s and 60s according to Joseph Stiglitz! Especially the decades after the 2nd World War were very often government sponsored industry & housing programs which enabled the so called "Economic Miracle" everybody is still dreaming about! My spending is your income means nowadays, that my spending helps most of the time to deforest the rain forest and exploit at global scale, as much cheap labor as possible, with the least sustainable production chain! This has an extremely destructive effect on all competing national & local production and the appreciation of hard work what we economists deprecatingly call labor and not human capital. Dubai's success and the rise of Germany after the 2nd World War has been mainly built on (construction) "stupid labor"! Did the construction workers get their fair share by building the Burj Khalifa and the city? Germany has got more Architects than Construction Workers since 1993! Everybody wants to be special & feeling superior! With regard to intersexual selection normal labor is - out! Quite stunning in such a woke world! This is the reason I will never accept a PhD or anything else! As Veblen explained in the "Theory of the Leisure Class", titles will often carve the "Status Quo" via books in stone for sometimes decades and even centuries! Max Planck was right when he exlained that new science has often only a chance - as long as fuddy-duddy science extincts. This is why the Existence Economics will be designed epistemologically. If what you read does not sound right, do not believe it or at least challenge the ideas - it does not matter how big the name seems to be. Look at the CAPM Model in finance! Within the model Government Bonds are still evaluated as risk free! Society knows since the 19th century that Government Bonds are merely a "Money Illusion" as economists demonstrated! You can see with the current global inflation that I was right again! As I explained on page 498 of "Diktatur des Individuums" (Rockstone Research, 11.07.2016) Bankers bail-out politics (bankers produce government bonds) and politics bail-out bankers (bankers produce even in this financial crash case government bonds - I guess the bank always wins!). Well, who has to pay back the interest rates involved in both cases? The citizen by taxes! The Frankfurt Rothschild family invented Government Bonds they sold initially to HNWIs. Since the HNWI know that most government bonds are trash, banks bought them, since they know it is trash, central banks bought them. Thus, the state has to pay intererest rates for created currency debt to (central) bankers. I guess most people are aware that central banks are not government institutions but a private banking cartel. Financing the war against Napoleon the Rothschild Family gained massive influence. In the beginning of the 20th century bankers tried to implement a professionel "US Lender of Last Resort" (1908), a central bank (FED), which is buying most from banks created, more or less worthless government bonds. It is no surprise to me that dinosaurs like Charles Munger praise the Central Banks for their business, because they inflate global stock markets. Since they did not invest in Amazon and Google you can see, that they maybe too old to explain our new world! Even Warren Buffet mixes up Bitcoin with investments. Bitcoin is no investment vehicle at all, but just a store of value, like any other fluid currency on the planet. What will be the alternative? Investing in real estate and driving up living costs? UN Secretary General Guterres pointed out that the international financial system suits predominantly the rich states. Central Bank money is not smart at all but rigged by politics and bankers. Crypto instead, combined with artificial intelligence, will be smart. I doubt that an automatic banking AI, focused on local (city) and national banking blockchain, would invest into government bonds and global stocks. And who owns the stocks of our world? Not the working class! The FTSE100 even gains more traction when the Pound is weak, since they generate their income abroad. Furthermore, any investment in global stocks will often destabilize developed economies, because international products are simply cheaper, because salaries and work conditions are worse! A banker may claim that they know where to invest. The job of banks is to indebt society nowadays - to keep us busy (beschaeftigt). As the very famous German comedian Volker Pispers said, with regard to the miserable income of workers in Germany and that being employed (beschaeftigt) is the final political goal: "Beschäftigen kann ich mich auch alleine." Debt, taxes, real estate inflation (not even part of our inflation statistics) and the high risk financial markets (over 100.000 Euro on your bank account they can seize from you in Germany - if the banks/governments produce the next crash - they have trillions to bail-out whole nations/banks but they will disseize your wealth in the long run, it is just a matter of time. Just an artificial "Fat-Finger" or no bail-out decision, as with Lehman, suffices to produce a global crash. It is not the task of a nurse to check if their bank has solid books & whether the international banking system does not use our money multiplier for over-leveraged derivative speculations! If a society will get to cocky, governments and bankers can produce a crash at any time and will oust you! Before Corona you might have thought this is bullshit. But, if they can take away your freedom and right to physical integrity, seizing your money will be a walk in the park for them) are the smoking gun and seemingly god given. These are the main factors of control, all regulated by bankers. I would like to add at this point, when Jeff Bezos had a "calling" as he described it, he borrowed 1 Mio. USD from various venture capital investors and not from a bank, leaving him with only 13% of his own company! A banker may say, o.k. this was just in the beginning of the internet. Shopify got a lot of venture capital money as well in 2010. What the banks should really do is what Berkshire Hathaway is doing every day. Finance business! And who can make this decicions best? Firms. I predict, that normal banks will vanish in the far future.The Cantillon-Effect explains that politics profit from such a destructive inflationary system, which leads to survival of the sickest. Shortly after founding the privately held US Federal Reserve Bank (to help government and itself if necessary) the FED started also in war time buying government bonds which led to raw material inflation and an economic slump. Sounds familiar? (Froehlich, Diktatur des Individuums, p. 296). The creation of real industry during the 19th century was enabled by private investment and not through investments in Government Bonds. (Flandreau et. al, 2003, 53) I will implement an AI industry driven banking system according to Adam Smith. The wealth of our genius Central Banks exists of Government Bonds, banks created, in order to make them rich and us poor. We pay back this created bank debt via our global tax systems! We pay for the crises they created! The overall idea of Existence Economics is to build a global cooperative interbanking industry system in order to stabilize Nations and preserve the different cultures and world views! Look at how Sweden dealt with the Corona Crisis. They are still alive! Being different and living different is the root of competition (the captalist system evolved by copying ideas) and the foundation of any advanced civilization! Even as a pensioner the most famous German Economist, who is still alive, Hans Werner Sinn, praises the "Invisible Hand" of capitalism! As Eastern European who lived through the 90s - I can assure you I grew up with invisible industry production! Most places of the world have no proper industry and they tell them they do not need it according to David Ricardo! This is one reason they sell our rain forest wood! They just need the money! Money is not created by bankers or the government it is a mirror of societies productivity (Created Assets + Output + Social Behaviour). But they lend us our aggregate (money supply) against interest! Fair enough for private business! But Canada did supply interest free money for "Crucial Infrastructure" between 1930 and 1970. It could even be debt free, if you free your mind and think about what money is - just a productivity time flow! This would instantly end all tax systems world wide - since tax money could be, by a defined amount, digitally created with regard to output, we call GDP. Try to free your mind from your apparently stable observations! Does your perceived stable world - stabilize the world you live in? This question and sentence may sound solely philosophical or maybe even trivial to you, but this was my opening question in 2011. I asked myself, why societies are, with all its achievements, so instable? Since I needed more than 20 years to answer that question, which brought me to the brink of collaps many times - I like to present you my result: Universes are (in)-stable time gravitators (our preception is merely a metareal result of time gravitation at night) for all creatures in a simply connected topological space, interacting at night with the universe (Zeitgeber), through a spin network. Thus, not just humans have to be STABLE (your perception), in order to manage their daily routine. But this comes at great cost, because you do perceive the (un-)real time flow within a relative stabil condition - but time is relatively chaotic at night - the universe is! Almost all (medical) psychological disorders, like schizophrenia, which is the most expensive illness of society (Diktatur des Individuums, P. 80, 2016, Rockstone Research), deal with instable perceived time! Cancer is simply a time defect! It was long proven by bowel disorders! When excrements (shit) from (time) healthy humans gets inserted in a (time) disordered intestinal flora, cells tend to learn and heal. As Dr. Rife postulated, cells oscillate at certain frequencies and could heal cancer, which was supported by Dr. Milbank Johnson, who died 1945. Humans need to perceive its imprinted time loops (reality) as accurate in order to shape not just their ego boundaries but we have to determin within our minds also the society boundaries in order to function and to do the "right thing"! One of the most significant findings of my sociology research was, that people who often relocate are more susceptible to schizophrenia! This highly outgravitated stable mind of ours carves the way we live in stone for centuries! To fathom that living without a tax system seems to be totally ridiculous right? Nothing is as certain as death and taxes? I agree! But there might be a smarter way, we call, efficiency, leading to way more business and a less stressful capitalism. Thinking outside the box sounds easy - but it can destroy the cosy world you adapted to - in a blink of an eye and it can lead to death! My uncle killed himself after unification! Did Steve Jobs die because he gravitated to much time? He was a genius visionary! Thinking outside the box can distroy your thought system, I call mind-time. Do not do it permanently - but try from time to time, it is crucial with regard to society! Why? The human race is excarning itself by writing books, installing financial markets, implementing the IPCC, Central Banks (thus - pretty often pernicious (ill) insitutions we will never get rid of anymore), written tax laws, passing society laws and so on. Even talking is a way of excarnation, which after incarning in our mind-time, comes back as an echo to society! This "Excarnation" of the minds are making it increasingly difficult to adapt to our environments! We must as a society reduce complexity in order to adapt more easily. Is it helpful that you can go to jail for insulting a politician online in Germany? Are our tax systems hindering competition in order to fulfill the "Marginal Utility Theory"? Is it helpful to imprision people when they eat and drink during the day at Ramadan, like in Tanzania*? Is it helpful to imprison citizen when they have sex with another human beings like in Indonesia**? Was it right during Corona times to take away so much freedom from citizen who did not want to protect themeselves? The idea of the dangers of Mind-Excarnation was developed by a genius - Prof. Dr. von Braun: "Der Preis des Geldes". Think about it - how stable our to-adapt-environments are and ask yourself the question - if we can go on like this! If not - do something about it! The most important key success factor, of any free society, is according to Friedrich August von Hayek (he got a Nobelprize) and with regard to any long-term mind stability "The Absence of Coersion", which is the very definition of freedom.

*We have seen it with our own eyes in Tanzania during Ramadan. A muslim friend of mine collapsed during Ramadan (he did not drink the whole day) in Berlin and had to be hospitalized, because of organ failure, due to water shortage. And Germany is by far not as hot as Tanzania! They hide in order to drink.

**From a biological point of view 15% of all couples cannot get kids! Infidelity****, being gay (if you love the mind of somebody, look at Bosie (who married later on a woman) and Oscar Wilde (Prof. Paul Vasey proved Japanese Macaques are as homosexual as humans, because it is just fun) and being insecure, is with regard to biologial selection, as normal as going to the toilet in the morning, especially since we do copy our social peers we love or simply admire- nachaeffen. If you google infertility for some days - you will start chocking. The medicin and food we consume, plus stress, ruines our DNA, which is millions of years old! Thus, if we do not transform our consumption and lifestyle - fucking around will be the only chance to get kids at all in the future! Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Thorstein Veblen, ingeniously explained, that marriage emerged as an "institution for possessing somebody for good". With regard to my science, how can we promise that, if the partner turns into somebody you may not like or into a psychopath over time? Therefore I advise society to abolish marriage and keep "Engagement". Engagement will hopefully be the modern way of presenting society that somebody belongs to you - over time. In addition, a divorce is bad for the immage, bad for the wallet and even more detrimental for social ostracism and the mind! Man are born free! Why does the wife discard of her name in the western world after marriage? Totally crazy if you ask me. The last Christmas Eve illustrated to me vividly that Thorstein was right. I will never marry in my whole life - because it is an institutional prison. As far as I remember Einstein gave his money away he received from his Nobelprize - just to get rid of his wife! Funny story for such a genius! I am engaged by the way! The benefits created by marriage do not cover the costs! Within a highly mind-fragmented society, where the attention span of humans are lower than a goldfish***, in which brains are shrinking fast and where there are abundant of crooked sociological laws, haunting you after you split - marrying in such a culture, and maybe even getting kids, sounds kind of madness to me. Your kids are forced to go to schools - where you learn how to become a attoboy-robot-ant for our "Burn-Out Societies" we created. The happiest country in Europe is Denmark, abolishing compulsory education in 1855. In Germany you can be imprisoned if your kids do not "get the values according to the Grundgesetz". (Deutsche Welle) As the former police officer and photographer Marc Bernot (DWN, 19.02.2023, "Corona Proteste: Die Gewalt ging vor allem von der Polizei aus"), many German lawyers, judges and even Nils Melzer, former "UN-Special Correspondant for Torture" revealed (FAZ, 21.04.2022, "UN-Experte sieht Systemversagen bei Polizeigewalt in Deutschland") does the German state not really care about our constitutional rights. With regard to the threat of punishment, ostracism, widespread use of contraception (Germany has least kids in total!), rising inequality, collapsing procreative ability of men, abnormal law systems, enforced inheritance rules, economic hardship in Eastern Europe and especially South Korea and Japan, I wonder why societies did not implement emancipated Concubine Systems again? Is Tinder the final solution? I may add at this point, that our "Economic Wise" want to cut pensions and make people work until they finally die. Our "Economic Wise" ( I call them "Economic Stupid") have no solution at all, why Germans do not want to reproduce anymore. They have no clue! Overwork and high living costs are the main reasons. The promise "till death do us part" and committing oneself to an "undissolvable" liaison are reasons not to marry in the church anymore, as Matthias Kopp, speaker of Deutsche Bischofskonferenz, explained ("Darum heiraten immer weniger Paare", T-Online, 2017). Religions are not helpful to stimulate procration, only with regard to the established social networks - which are at least still strong. Thus, it is no wonder that marriage has become a museum piece in Germany - which is very desirable within our environment. Love should be a bond between couples and God and not between couples and wildly excarnated state laws like in Indonesia and Germany, which create more instability (basically no life at all) than a stable and lovable society. I would like to close my mating observations with one assumption about the minds of partners within any society. The utmost important mind condition is a "Calmed-Down-Mind-Condition"! We are social animals and need attention and a peaceful mind. In case men or women get aggressive all the time - by overwork and too high mind fragmentations reproduction will collapse and humans will look rather living in a state of a peaceful mind, even if it means being alone or look for a beautiful mind with a same-gender partner. Think about it - it makes totally sense, if the minds of most humans are just driven and not peaceful enough for creating - life. Any country that is punishing homosexuality by law earned to disappear. Installing a healthy and flourishing society is not so hard after all - if we change our very rotten price systems and start sharing our technologies we have! The semiconductor shortage right now has only one reason. There are not even a handful global companies that are able to produce them, which is the only reason Intel is building a factory in Magdeburg now. We live in stone ages! It is that simple! The problem is the concentration of money, power and knowledge is not shrinking but inceasing! Stability can only be accomplished with affordable living, gmo-free food and equally spread production knowledge. If we achieve this moment in the future - there will be no wars anymore! What for if we share all resources and nobody forces anybody to live by a certain religious code or communist tax system? The first step was trading resources, the second step must be cooperative sharing of knowledge, how to produce on national and local level resources - but no weapons. But how must this future sharing system look like with regard to banking? This is why I created my Existence Economics. Simply to know how our mind works - is not doing the job. I agree with Elon Musk that all 200 capitals should be connected with speed trains. 

***Steve Jobs kids did not have a phone and he made them read books and talk about it. Neuroscience found out that your neurons fire heavily when you read a book but do almost nothing when you watch a movie. It makes totally sense if you consider that words (time) enrich your mind-time and you create the world within your head by yourself. You expand your mind-field (pictures and words) by reading! Each word (when I started writing my book about different science fields, I had to look up thousands of words (time) I have never heard about) enriches your perception. Movies or TikTok are simply short-cuts, but as important as reading. A short-cut explanation on TikTok can save you 10 years of reading - in case you watch the right short video. It is always the questions whether you watch something to learn or not. Ask yourself always one question. Is the product you consume enternaining or useful? In both cases you will hardly waste your time. As Herrmann Heinrich Gossen famously declared - the very essence of human existence is enjoying life (Genuss). This is what socialist societies hate most - people who enjoy their life with plenty of abundance & fun, a lot of nice products and beauty around them. The toolkit to suffocate pleasure has always been by taxes (which is reported through history). My social studie teacher at trade school told us in the 90s:  "Eventually they will even find a way to tax the air we breath". Everybody was laughing in the classroom. The carbon tax system is by far the most destructive socialistic program ever implemeted worldwide to impoverish and control societies. The weapon to prove it is rigging our minds by mass media and the internet. If you read some books or watch some boring senator hearings about it - you might start thinking the world differently. You must not believe everything you think. Charles Barkley explained that Basketball is not as important to society as what fireman are doing. How many millions of individual lives did Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan change? They rescued more bored to death souls they can even fathom. Entertainment enriches our world to a level that many want to escape the prison they were often born into. Any society that is by taxes and laws hindering -life- will finally face extinction.

****There are some very crude ideas circulating on TikTok and especially in Islam, that women should be virgins. Although it is proven that sperm changes the minds of women towards a man they slept with, we must not forget that men produce way more killersperms in order to destroy competitor sperms. How in the world should women be biologically more faithful than men, if they sense the men will not protect their kids or fullfil other needs? Futhermore, there are tribes where every men was always very friendly to all kids in the village - since you never knew whether it is your child. Andrew Tate and other TikTok idiots have basically not the slightest idea of modern Neurology or Ethnology. Any ethnologist must shiver when she or he listens to this crap. The only reason to look for younger men or women can only be that fertility is higher and the child will have less chromosome defects. However, since older women and men offer pretty often a more stable lifestyle (more money), children might grow up with less stress. It is in some sense proven by studies already and makes totally sense with regard to my science. I wonder if later born children, when women are 30 years old, re-entangle a broader epigenetic world of the parents. Maybe this is one reason for the increasing chromosome defects the older parents are? Unfortunately I cannot answer both of this questions. Animality has proven that all forms of living exist. Spiders eat their offspring, swans look for fidelity, lions leave their queen right away, and female peacocks are looking for older partner who survived long enough in wildness. I assume that humans adapt to their environments as well. If our natural environment is not stable enough for mating, we will change our behavior. This is why humans kill most babys among all ape races. And we will become rather peacocks societies again if inequality rises. Interestingly Andrew Tate has chosen the country with the lowest purchasing power for attracting girls for him and his shady businesses, with his money, in the EU. Pretty slick if you ask me. If the rich love something - then it is a poor environment where you can go girls shopping. I believe that a lot of rich people hate population growth but poor societies for exploitation. The Club of Rome and Bill Gates are the best examples, who was best friend with Jeffrey Epstein. Historians know about the fact that "The Rich" often hate population growth. From a philosophical point of view it makes totally sense. If you are rich or in power, the easiest way for all kingdoms to stay in power was to eliminate competition. The rich are the least people we should listen to when talking about population growth - like Bill Gates. And almost every citizen on earth knows that Microsoft sucks. "The Winner Takes All Theory" says that a company will destroy everything else on the market. Bill destroyed the Netscape webbrowser 1994 when he still said that the internet is no big thing. Netscape is today Firefox. How did he do it? He pre-installed the shitty Internet Explorer on all operating systems for free! This is not smart but destructive. This is Bill. Since Webster Tarpley dealt with the topic "population growth", even with regards to AGW-Theories (Man Made Global Warming), I see it as a fact, a lot of people in power who feal superior to others hate life & humans and some can be compared to Adolf Hitler. A beacon of light is Elon Musk who claims we need population growth. This statement, buying Twitter, while exposing the power matrix and reverse landing of rockets are his greatest achivements in life so far. I am becoming a great Elon Musk fan! However, if he works 100 hours a week - he is not smart but still a moron. We know from business science that really good CEOs do not work many hours a day - you need most time to think in order to do the right thing. I do not believe that, with regard to resources, the Electric Car is the future when you can drive with salt water already. It is just nonsense. VW is not pursuing salt water driven cars because the states need the petrol taxes to run their debt broke societies!!!!!!! I know this from somebody at VW. They all know this! I like to finish my observations concerning population growth with two philosophical questions. Do you excarn in your lifetime more or less negative time than your peers within your society? Does your mind and your behavior and work enable more or less freedom in society? If we could answer this questions we might find out who is really replaceable and a "useless eater" as Kissinger once said. Most politicians are. Doing nothing might be better sometimes but "saving the world" with adding negative time, like injecting billions of people with a "Genetic RNA Therapy", whithout knowing how our DNA works and what it is. 






Cross-Boder Cooperations


Available Workers

Key Industrial Success Drivers

In order to re-industrialize or start industrializing cities or nations we need to know the existing companies, missing companies for national production, the available workforce, missing workforce and clients need easy access to local and national products.

Company Cooperation

India & China started at the same poverty level in the beginning of the 90s. By a systematic governmental approach of forced cooperation with foreign investors - China managed to become the most successful country worldwide with regards to Purchasing Power Prices (PPP). The Existence Economics advises governments to do the same & give cooperation companies/nations a guarantee not to destroy their home market (after cooperation) with exports like Liebknecht/Haier Case in the 70s. I call this Existence Economics Treaty (no hindering tarrifs necessary)! Even J.M. Keynes explained production should be national! He excepted tourism and food production, which makes totally sense.  


Since Eastern European's worked long enough in western countries - we Expats can use our gained knowledge (like Chinese did - they studied and worked in the US) to industrialize our own beautiful contries and cities. Bulgaria for instance should be as successful, as China is today, within 30 years! 



Product Marketing

Key to all industry success is prevented by big Marketing Gate Keepers like Facebook, Amazon & especially Google for instance. However, Ebay, Google, Facebook and Amazon are not in all countries successful! Look at Russia or South Korea! There is enough time to develop a professional and fair Internet! We are just getting started! Smart City, Smart Tax, Smart Vote, Smart State and Smart Democracy are still in its infancy! Do really the people have the power over the state? Or do the states and Blue Chips have the power over its people with their complex and opaque tax systems and marked power? Look what Twitter did and Elon Musk just reveiled End of 2022! It is time for strategic drift!


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Address: Bulgaria - will be published soon

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History of Founder

Christian Froehlich is a Financial Expert and Economist who studied International Business in Nuremberg and was self employed, worked for the governmental firm Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI), in Retail, Tourism, Industry, Human Recourses and the longest time in the Real Estate Sector. He has over 20 years work experience and holds a Bachelor in International Business from the famous & restricted Georg Simon Ohm Program. An extension of his Bachelor Thesis about Failing Financial Banking Systems got published in the Smart Investor in January 2010. His last employment was for JLL from 2018 to December 2022. The main ideas from this Start-Up derived from his work experience and privately funded studies in libraries, resulting in the Existince Economics Theory between 2011 - 2016 - Existenzökonomie. These are the four pillars of Existence Economics:


Access to healhy Water and GMO-Free Food should be a basic right of each citizen on earth. F.W.H.Myers (see Irreducible Mind by Prof. Dr. Bruce Greyson), Dr. Rupert Sheldrake and Dr. Peter Gariaev (Wave Genetics) prove that the functionality of our DNA/Mind (it is the same Metaphysical Control Circuit System-Field = DNA* structure is very similar to language + Mind (quantum entangled universal time field) cause and adapt time (thinking at daytime is a relative stable time process (compared to night) = we call it bounded Rationality)) is still completely unknown! Why are we still paying for water and GMO-Free Food? What are we paying taxes for? Food Stamps are almost as old as capitalism. It should be easy to provide each citizen with a limited Food Stamp Credit Card! GMO-Free Soil, GMO-Free Seeds and Clean Water should be owned by society as birth right. We should move towards sustainable livestock farming! Eating meat twice a week produces enough burden for our environment, animals and us (please look at: Prof. Dr. Lothar Wendt/"Protein Reservoir Diseases" and the oxygen findings from Nobel Prize Winnter Otto Warburg. He found out, that cancer cells do not need oxygen. Maria Pascual-Torner et al. (this is the most important scientific discovery since the existence of mankind) from Ovieda University did prove him right, by showing, that just reducing oxidative cell stress, enables the jellifish T. Dohrnii immortality! No wonder telomere therapies exist nowaday, pumping high oxygen in the body, in order to expand life. (National Geographic, "Geheimnis der unsterblichen Quallen gelüftet", 06.11.2022) Wendt might be right, given the fact that longer life might be just prolonged by high oxygen treatments! ). Food may be produced near big cities in Greenhouse Skyscrapers in the future. It will save transportation costs.
*Unfolds chemical imprinted space time (epigenetic part) into Special Time Loops (early child + adult imprinted time) within relative quantum entangled universal mind fields (deep sleep). Over the years the attention span will be 1,5h. As an infant it's just minutes - they do not know what to focus on yet. The inside world (mind field) is incrementally inhibited by neurotransmitters through the reprogation process at night! Thus, suitable enriched mind particles (ovservations and speech) will expand and stabilize the world view mind by inhibiting particles which get OUTHIBITED at night by (in black mass) reprogation. This is the reason you die without sleeping, as Everson and Bergman proved 1989 (Oxford, Sleep Depreviatoin in the rat: III). They did not know why the rats died after 11-32 days without sleep?! I might. The main part of the universe consists of black mass (instable particals of reference systems). Without reprogation, instable time for the reference system (in this case our specially entangled mind space time) cannot be outhibited, what we just call naively nothingness - but it is very critical to out-gravitate relatively not harmonizing particles (time loops) for a stable reference system (in our case reality). If you sleep always only for 4 hours you will die earlier, since the time enrichement of your mind is to excited (instable). If you do not outhibit time at all & you do not sleep after some days - you die very quickly. It is just a faster process! Your microuniverse implodes and merges with our black mass. Particles of you may remain until the whole entangled galaxy collapses. Since the zeitgeber of any entangled microuniverse in nature (like mammals for instance) is the universe - sleeping only one time, after beeing awake for a couple of days, will be enough to empower all firing neurons to outhibit instable space time. Connecting with the zeitgeber in deep sleep is crucial for our chemical DNA Mind field. 

Sleep & Family

Studies show that men and women (one household) work more today than ever before + high competition between sexes on the human capital market! Birth Rates per woman are simply low because of over-work, low salaries, high prices for living, week industry & bad work places! In order to trust in society, raise kids and to sleep healhy (important for mind gravitation!), couples with kids (until 18 years) must not work longer than 5 hours per day each and get fully paid. Raise your own kids! Mind Solution: Thomas Royen solved the Gaussian Correlation Equation while brushing his teeth when he was already a pensioner! Try to ease your mind if you are a Mind Worker! We need fast solutions! Too much or too less stress is poison for creativity and society! The problem is that excessive focus exhausts the "focus circuits" in your brain. It can drain your energy and make you lose self-control! This energy drain can also make you more impulsive and less helpful! As a result, decisions are poorly thought-out, and you become even less collaborative! (Harvard Business Review, “Your Brain Can Only Take So Much Focus”, Srini Pillay, 12.05.2017) What is the reason? Dinges’s Team found out, declining vigilance is the main result of fatigue! (Maxed out: How long can we concentrate for?, 14.04.2010, Clare Wilson) Harvard is confirming my “Reprogation Time Theory”  in this article and provides even a figure, that the mind is “wandering away from a task at hand…46.9% of our days”. Thus, focusing more than 5h per day produces aggregate decay and a lack of empathy since we get increasingly incapable of gravitating (feeling) our time (self-perception) and other times (empathy). I like to add here, that I met a Neurologist in Berlin a while ago (I was engaged with a Neurologist back then), if you asked her a question, she was starting to talk about something completely different! Her mind was so splintered that she could not adequately react to any dialog partner anymore! I like to add here, that psychopaths* have all one thing in common, a smaller amygdala which is the central brain organ for producing empathy! We generate incrementally psychopathic societies – which will inevitably destroy themselves, since it causes either stable psychopaths, or PTBS and sleep disorders for the healthy human beings. 
*And they are not yawning when you do! They have a way lower exitation level of their mind-time! Thus, they feel less - as a result they have to harmonize less (this is very time consuming) and are more stable, since they have to outhibit (they inhibit almost everything - which is called: "Alles-Oder-Nichts Prinzip") and gravitate less time back into black mass! They may be not creative but very resilient to stress in our burn out societies. Being a psychopath (somebody who is way less entangled to others) is a natural process causing mind stability. Being entangled makes no sense at all if you do feel you have no genetic advantage. You may think I cannot prove it. But rest assured - I can - through observation. Example: A lot of old couples die together - If one partner is dying, quiet often the other does too!!!, because gravitating our own reference system without the partner does not work! When I spoke with a young lady in Freiburg, she told me she got extremley sick when she left her boyfriend! When they got together again - she healed over night! It is logical - if you observe and remember all of it. Love, Fear and Respect are the highest entanglements all mammals know about. A real psycopath is fearless, does not love and respects nobody but himself. 

Fair Living

Did you know that Singapur's land belongs mainly to the state? The ownership rate is at about 90%. Did you know that the "crucial" Canadian infrastructure was built on zero interest rates from 1930s until 1970s? I urge Companies (Company Owned Living is the future), Developers and Central Banks to build "crucial" -Cooperative Society High Rise Steel Frame Buildings- for its populations! Steel is 100% recyclable! Living should not devour more than 20% of net household income! Full ownership of apartments cannot be the sole solution, not even in Singapur, if you check the resale prices of the once government provided and credit sponsored apartments! I worked in this business for over 10 years!

City Production

The CIA Index proves year over year that the rural exodus is real! People moving to bigger cities is for most the future of art & living! It is mind blowing that, because of exploding residential prices, people start moving back to the countryside like in Berlin now! Opportunity costs of daily travel is inefficient, bad for the environment and it fuels Global Warming - the Urban Heat Island Effect! The future of production should be close to Mega-Cities, not living! It is necessary for Blue Chips and all SMEs to open offices in bigger cities in order to grow and design the future of Smart Cities, Smart Living and shape the art of life, local consumption & production. An own movie industry would be favourable in all Mega-Cities above one million citizen.